Sunday, 12 October 2008

Remake Remodel Recycle

Below a few images of improvised designs found in Korea during the Seoul Design Olympiad 2008. Among them a standardised-looking version of the ubiquitous oil tin dustpan, a broom combining traditional and modern materials, plus a DIY version of a BMW C1 scooter. GG

Wednesday, 1 October 2008

A quote to kick things off

"One of design's most fundamental tasks is to stand between revolutions and life, and to help people deal with change."

Paola Antonelli, Curator, MoMA, New York, from the introduction to the exhibition 'Design and the elastic mind', February 24–May 12, 2008. Go to exhibition website

Welcome to the MA Design blog!

This blog is edited by the students and staff of the new MA Design programme at Norwich University College of the Arts. We wish you happy browsing!